7 most beautiful religious works in the world

List of 7 most beautiful religious works in the world

In 2015, there were 338 works in the final round, of which 7 were honored. In it, the Temple - a product of the A21 Studio design team from Vietnam has reached this list.

Each year, the World Architecture Festival gathers a list of impressive works and most avoided the planet. From this list, the works of the year "Building of the year" will be determined. The festival and the award announcement are scheduled to take place in November at the Marina Bay Sand luxury hotel in Singapore.

The following are the 7 most beautiful religious works among many participating festivals.

Picture 1 of 7 most beautiful religious works in the world
Temple - design of group A21 studio (Nha Trang, Vietnam)

Picture 2 of 7 most beautiful religious works in the world
Light of Life Church - design of Shinslab Architecture (Gapyeong, South Korea)

Picture 3 of 7 most beautiful religious works in the world
Cardedeu - designed by EMC Arquitechture (Lago de Coatepeque, El Salvador)

Picture 4 of 7 most beautiful religious works in the world
Ribbon Chapel - designed by Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP Co., Ltd (Hiroshima, Japan)

Picture 5 of 7 most beautiful religious works in the world
Stella Maris - designed by Denton Corker Marshal Jakarta - PT Duta Cermat Mandiri (Jakarta, Indonesia)

Picture 6 of 7 most beautiful religious works in the world
Catholic City Hub - designed by Eco-id Architectects (Singapore)

Picture 7 of 7 most beautiful religious works in the world
Mahabodhi Monastery - designed by Multiply Architects LLP (Lorong Kilat, Singapore)