7 things Elon Musk wants you to know about Hyperloop

A revolutionary mode of transport await us, but behind the desirable pace compared to other media, there are still many interesting things behind it.

Hyperloop is the idea of ​​a high-speed transport system , fueled by billionaire Elon Musk . This vehicle moves in the pressure relief tubes to push the passenger compartments moving over an air cushion , created by linear induction motors and air compressors. It is called Hyperloop One . Recently, this idea has been successfully tested. Below is a picture of the system's test rail and motion compartment:

Picture 1 of 7 things Elon Musk wants you to know about Hyperloop

Preliminary analysis indicates that with Hyperloop, passengers can travel a distance of 560 km, equivalent to the distance from Los Angeles to San Francisco in just 35 minutes. That is, moving at an average speed of up to 970 km / h, and can reach a maximum speed of 1,200 km / h. And here are seven things Mr. Elon Musk really wants us to know about this future migration system:

1. History of Hyperloop

The general idea of ​​railway trains or other vehicles moving through vacuum tubes has been around for more than a century. And Elon Musk's Hyperloop is just the realization of that idea, as well as adding some other elements, as can make that idea economically feasible.

Picture 2 of 7 things Elon Musk wants you to know about Hyperloop

Specific technologies to make this system a reality have appeared in many different versions since the 1960s. Since then, despite the efforts of the government and scientists, But no one has enough technical and business skills to make such a system possible for the public.

2. Elon Musk is not alone in this race

Hyperloop One is not alone on the journey to pursue this dream. At least now there are two startups and students from dozens of other universities envisioning how to get people moving at great speeds over long distances. A healthy competition will be the right thing for a revolutionary idea.

3. The way Hyperloop works is still a mystery

Hyperloop includes a low pressure hose with a passenger compartment like a tablet, moving inside with both high and low speed levels throughout the length of the tube. The passenger compartment is lifted by an air cushion, with both compressed air and aerodynamic lift.

Picture 3 of 7 things Elon Musk wants you to know about Hyperloop

The passenger compartment is fitted with rotors in each compartment, which accelerates through a linear magnetic accelerator , mounted at different stations in a low pressure pipe. Passengers can enter and exit Hyperloop at stations located at the end of the pipe, or branches along the length of the pipe. It is not clear what these low pressure pipes will contain, because ordinary air causes too much friction. There have been discussions about whether it will be partial vacuum tubes. Each passenger compartment will be about 2m wide.

4. SpaceX and Tesla Motor are still top priorities

Picture 4 of 7 things Elon Musk wants you to know about Hyperloop

Obviously this multi-talented CEO wants someone else to focus on making this system. When there were fears that he had announced the idea too soon, Musk pointed out that he was now completely timed to run two other companies. While SpaceX is busy with the development of reusable missiles , Tesla is establishing a mobile charging network across the United States. This ship is a revolutionary idea, but it will also take a lot of effort to implement.

5. Other Hyperloop routes

The routes in Europe have also begun to move forward. In January 2016, the cross-country route from Paris to Amsterdam was proposed by Delft Hyperloop. A group at Warsaw University of Technology is also evaluating the potential of the trans- Polish route, running from Cracow to Gdansk, proposed by Hyper Poland.

6. Hyperloop will be able to power itself

The idea is simple - the steel pipes will be installed with solar panels , to store the energy supplied to the compressors to create air cushion for the passenger compartments, as well as other important components. The goal is to Hyperloop work normally even under cloudy conditions.

7. Safety of the system

Picture 5 of 7 things Elon Musk wants you to know about Hyperloop

The human body normally only tolerate changes in acceleration at a rate of 0.2 G (about 2 m / s2). Now, if Hyperloop suddenly changed direction while traveling at speeds of more than 1,200 km / h, the acceleration that the human body suffered would be much greater. Therefore, Hyperloop will be forced to run in a straight line without turning anywhere or abruptly changing its course. To do so, many pipelines must be built and consume a huge cost.

One more thing to consider is the overall safety of the system. Currently, Elon Musk is suggesting that Hyperloop is the safest mode of transportation in transportation systems, but anyone can point out that, if there is only a small disturbance in the path of the cabin Guests, it will be " Game Over " for all passengers in the cabin.