The Hyperlooptan super-speed train with a speed of more than 1,200km/h, nearly supersonic speed, described by billionaire Elon Musk could not become a reality.

For almost a decade, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has always relied on huge oil reserves to develop its economy.

A revolutionary mode of transport await us, but behind the desirable pace compared to other media, there are still many interesting things behind it.

Virgin Hyperloop One announced a prototype of an aircraft compartment designed to reach speeds of 1,200 km / h when surfing in the hyperloop hyperlinks connecting Dubai with Abu

At speeds of up to 386km / h, the carrier breaks the old record of 354km / h set up in the summer.

This system can support your car, cargo sleds and models designed specifically to run on regular roads.

Hyperloop One completed the second phase of the Hyperloop superhuman test after setting a record for speed and distance, TechCrunch said on Aug. 2.

Hyperloop One - the technology supported by Teslà boss Elon Musk - proposed a trip to London to Edinburgh (more than 666km) within 50 minutes.

Hyperloop One is a company of billionaire Elon Musk, famous for its high-speed train products that can reach speeds of up to 1,220 km / h, just announced the first images in the US

A trip to your super-fast Hyperloop One will be like this: first you'll take your smartphone to book your trip, just like the way we book a Grab or Uber today.