7-year-old baby 'excavated' was fossil 65 million years

The 7-year-old girl in Oregon (USA) excitedly showed everyone about the "Moana stone" she had dug, unexpectedly the fossil of an extinct ancient animal 65 million years ago.

The strange object was discovered by the girl Naomi last fall, when she followed her mother to the soccer field and wandered to play alone. She showed off to her mother that she wondered. She called it "Moana stone ", an object that appeared in Walt Disney's cartoon.

Picture 1 of 7-year-old baby 'excavated' was fossil 65 million years
Naomi fossil girl found at least 65 million years old - (photo: AP).

The mother said that the "Moana stone" has a beautiful pearl color, making her believe that it could be an ancient and precious object. The strange object was sent to the Museum of Natural History and Culture, University of Oregon.

Scientists have identified a fossil that is well preserved in ammonite, an extinct invertebrate animal 65 million years ago!

Picture 2 of 7-year-old baby 'excavated' was fossil 65 million years
Naomi girl on her interesting discovery - (photo: AP).

Dr. Greg Retallack, director of paleontological collection at the museum, told her that if she took this item to antique shops, they would think it was a beautiful stone and paid about $ 10-20. In fact, although small, it is worth thousands of dollars. The date of fossil specimens at least 65 million years, is the time of ammonite extinction, and can be up to 100 million years.

Picture 3 of 7-year-old baby 'excavated' was fossil 65 million years
Moana stone in Disney animation.

Some similar fossils were found in Mitchell area, about 129 km from the area where the fossil girl found it.

Naomi is still keeping the ammonite fossil as a valuable asset in her collection. She said she did not intend to sell it and her parents also supported it. According to Naomi's father, she has a habit of collecting strange stone and shell samples and having her own collections at home.