9 new medical inventions will revolutionize healing

Many major breakthroughs of researchers in 2013 are ready to be launched or completed in 2014, bringing hope to patients with leukemia, hepatitis C, blind .

Along with a series of studies conducted over the years, this 2014 hopes researchers can discover more to find ways to cure and fix health problems.

According to the Health Line report, below are some health initiatives that are ready to be implemented in 2014.

1. New treatment for blood cancer

Cancer is always a scary disease, with a high mortality rate. And the type of cancer that haunts a lot of people is leukemia.

Blood cancer affects the production and function of blood cells. Most cancers start in the bone marrow where blood is produced. Abnormal blood cells or cancer cells, preventing blood from performing its functions (like fighting infections or preventing serious bleeding).

A study in 2013 found new drugs for patients with leukemia. The drug has just been developed and is expected to be completed in 2014. The experiment, conducted by researchers, has shown that the drug could work well with 71% of chronic leukemia patients ( CLL). It can kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells. Not only that, this drug also causes few side effects in patients.

2. New light rays for cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Myocardial infarction is also called a silent killer because it can take life at any time without warning.

Since the 1970s, the rate of cardiovascular death has decreased in many high-income countries. However, the disease increases rapidly in low and middle income countries.

To determine the risk of a person with heart disease, researchers often use cholesterol as an indicator. But now they have found a new sign called TMAO (trimethylamine N-oxide). This sign is very effective to indicate the risk of heart disease in everyone. TMAO is a byproduct of intestinal bacteria, it can provide important clues related to the risk of stroke and heart disease.

3. Endoscopic cheaper

For people with colon cancer, taking an endoscopic case is natural. Colonoscopy is used to detect abnormal changes in the colon and rectum.

In colonoscopy, a colonoscope is inserted into the rectum. A small camera at the top of the tube allows the doctor to observe the inside of the entire colon. If necessary, abnormal tissue types can be removed through colonoscopy.

Endoscopic cancer screening costs a lot of money. One of the reasons is because endoscopy is done by experts. But the researchers found a solution for this. They have created a new computer program, which can help patients with colonoscopy without the help of experts. This tool will be introduced in 2014 and can be operated by health care professionals. In this way, patients still receive the same benefits at lower prices.

Picture 1 of 9 new medical inventions will revolutionize healing
Many new studies in the health sector are ready to be launched or tested in 2014. (Artwork: medicmagic)

4. Drugs to prevent heart failure

Heart failure and myocardial infarction are a mass murderer taking action around the world. Heart failure occurs when the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body's needs.

Heart failure is a common, costly and potentially deadly treatment in developing countries. About 2% of adults suffer from heart failure, but those over 65 years of age increase to 6-10%.

Most people cannot cure a heart attack and heart failure. However, researchers have made a major breakthrough, even a step forward over the past 20 years, namely a drug called Serelaxin. This drug is a synthetic version of a natural human hormone, which helps circulate blood throughout the body when there is a heart attack and heart failure. These drugs also reduce inflammation, reduce damage to the kidneys, liver and heart.

5. Transplantation of faeces in the stool

Clostridium difficle or C.diff is one type of stomach infection that can be deadly. So far, researchers have prevented it with antibiotics.

However, researchers recently discovered another way. In this way, the researchers transferred the bacteria in the stool into the intestines of healthy people. From here can balance the growth of bacteria in the digestive system. This method is used to treat C.diff.

6. A new era in the treatment of hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is an infectious disease, caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV). The infection is usually asymptomatic, but chronic infection can leave scars in the liver and eventually cirrhosis. In some cases, people with cirrhosis will continue to develop liver failure, liver cancer and stomach varicose veins.

HCV spread mainly through blood. It is estimated that 150-200 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C. This infection can be treated with medicine. Each year about 50-80% of the treatment is cured. There is no vaccine for hepatitis C.

Since the 1990s, hepatitis C patients have to be treated for a few months and even have allergies to medications. But the researchers found a new drug called Sofosbuvir, which can be used on all types of hepatitis C. The drugs are still being developed and may be approved in 2014. The drug. More than 90% effective and cause fewer side effects than the previous drug.

7. Transplant to reduce seizures

Seizures are a long-term neurological disorder, characterized by seizures. Epileptic seizures tend to recur and there is no direct cause.

Epilepsy patients are always difficult to control themselves when the disease comes out. Even pharmaceuticals cannot help them cure. To limit it, in addition to drugs, epilepsy patients may choose to have surgery, but the risk is very large, more expensive and often not much help.

Recently, researchers have finally found a new technology to help people with epilepsy. They invented a tool that can be implanted in a patient's skin. This tool then records brainwave patterns through electrodes attached to the brain. When a patient experiences epilepsy, an electric current is infused and prevents neurological attacks.

8. New test to remove tumors

Today, people with tumors must undergo troublesome treatment. But a new genetic-based test has found a way to help doctors determine appropriate treatment for patients. With this latest test, the doctor can determine which patient should undergo treatment, chemotherapy or radiation through genetic analysis in the patient's tumor. Moreover, this experiment also predicts whether cancer is dangerous.

9. Electronic eyes for the blind

One of the very serious, genetically caused eye diseases is retinitis pigmentosa. This disease affects many people from an early age. Most will become blind in adulthood or after about 40 years.

After 20 years of research, scientists have found technology that can help patients, which is the electronic eye. Accordingly, the researchers will perform transplantation on the retina of patients, thereby helping them look better. Although it may not completely restore vision, but this technology helps patients determine movement, light and darkness, the position of people and objects.