92% of people did not reach the target, so how did the remaining 8% do?

If you really want to achieve many goals in your life then here's how successful people often do with their goals.

A study by the University of Scanton has shown that 92% of people never achieve their goals.

I also have many times failed to achieve my goal - and if you are like me, always fail to meet your goals and feel motivated then check out the tips below to improve.

1. Set goals as specific and challenging as possible

Studies by Edwin Locke and Gary Latham show that in 90% of cases, when pursuing more detailed and difficult goals, people tend to perform better.

Basically, the more specific and difficult goals are outlined, the more motivation you will have to achieve them. Therefore, the motivation is too easy or not clear sometimes difficult to achieve.

Picture 1 of 92% of people did not reach the target, so how did the remaining 8% do?
Setting a specific goal your chances of achieving your goal will certainly increase significantly.

For example, if the target from now to the end of the year is 10kg, it sounds quite challenging but in fact it is not specific enough.

Set clear goals like this: In August, I will reduce by about 2kg by reducing refined sugar, wheat and fast food from the diet. I will also walk at least 20 minutes a day.

When you set out such specific tasks, your chances of achieving your goal will certainly increase significantly.

You can also apply this with great and ambitious goals. Nobody has owned a multi-million dollar company right away, everyone will feel overwhelmed by the overly massive target "rocks" . What you need to do now is break that big goal into small things you will do every day to look forward to. Remember to identify important milestones in the process of achieving goals to motivate yourself as well as easily adjust when needed.

2. Keep passionate about your goals and commit to go with it

Simply put, the number of 8% of those who achieved the above-mentioned goal is extremely eager to achieve them. Ask yourself this sentence: How big is your commitment to your goals? Have you really tried your best for it? When difficulties come up, do you have a good response?

Picture 2 of 92% of people did not reach the target, so how did the remaining 8% do?
The belief system "is willing to do anything" is needed to accomplish the goal of getting them to the end.

The 8% group that accomplishes the actual goal has a burning motivation to "lock" them to the goal. It is the belief system that "is willing to do anything" that is necessary to accomplish the goal of getting them to the end.

Another important thing is to look at yourself: Is that goal exactly what you really want? If it is really deep, it is not something that you really are passionate about.

Ask yourself: How much do I want to achieve it? Who will "supervise" me from the beginning to the end of the implementation process? What will my life be like when I achieve it? In the end, are my efforts worthwhile?

3. Recording feedback and suggestions from others

As a person, everyone will have bad habits such as easy return to old habits, or delay, easy to lose motivation. To face these things, the chances for you to achieve your goals will be much higher if you continually receive constructive feedback that will help you change gradually during the process.

This is also the reason that instruction and teaching services have exploded recently.People who are extremely serious about their goals often get a lot of benefits from the instructors' feedback and suggestions.

Another interesting note is that dedicated managers guide their employees more often than they do. They win points in the eyes of the main staff through discussions, suggestions and know how to motivate employees to accomplish goals.

Picture 3 of 92% of people did not reach the target, so how did the remaining 8% do?
People who are extremely serious about their goals often get a lot of benefits from the instructors' feedback and suggestions.

4. Thanks to the mentors you trust

Find an advisor who can give you advice and guidance along the way. The mentor here is not necessarily the top expert, but probably the better of you.

Find some such people so you can get help every time you need it. Get in the habit of sharing the goals and milestones you have completed with them monthly, you will be motivated to do more if you know that next month to meet them you need to have something more to share. .

5. Avoid doing too many things at once

Another important thing that successful people usually do is to live up to the motto "Go step by step". They are very careful to avoid putting too much force at once . You might think that doing a lot of things at once is a good strategy to succeed, but research shows that only harms your brain. Eventually you will break yourself up between too many things, lose focus and reduce the quality of work you accomplish, making the time to reach the goal even further.

Picture 4 of 92% of people did not reach the target, so how did the remaining 8% do?
Avoid putting too much force into one thing at a time.

On the contrary, when you break the goal down into many small activities to do it gradually, you can quickly finish one and then move on to others.

Another tip is to always set a deadline for your goals , even if it is enough to save a big sum of money before you retire. You will be motivated to do more urgently when there is a clear deadline ahead.

6. Do it regularly

Maybe you think people who can accomplish their goals are talented people already available, but research has proven that achieving goals doesn't involve much talent but mostly on what they do.

From 2000 years ago, Aristotle realized this when saying: "We are what we are constantly doing." By regularly practicing the skills, you will be surprised to see yourself after a certain time.