Equipment to help American artillery target like sniper rifles

New handheld devices equipped with modern technologies allow American artillery to significantly increase the ability to accurately target a target.

The US military is about to use the Inter-military Handheld Shooting System (JETS) designed in a compact device to help artillery forces track and identify targets accurately, according to WATM.

JETS includes target positioning modules, azimuth and laser sighting mounted on a stand that is similar to a camera camera's foot.

Picture 1 of Equipment to help American artillery target like sniper rifles
JETS system design model.(Photo: WATM).

The entire JETS system includes a stand and battery weighing about 9kg, in which the positioning module weighs 5.5 kg, making it easy for soldiers to carry and maneuver when operating on the battlefield.

"This is a completely new technology, helping to change the artillery deployment method on the battlefield," said Lt. Col. Frank Frank, in charge of the program to develop accurate, claimed sight systems.

According to Frank, with high accuracy, this device can completely help Paladin self-propelled guns achieve the " accuracy ".

In addition, the calculation and alignment process will also be shortened when data from JETS can be transferred directly to the firing squad.

"We will not take 15-20 minutes to aim at the target as before. With the Jets system, bullets will fire out of the cannon faster," Frank said.

The US military is using laser distance positioning and positioning equipment (LLDR) with the same function, but LLDR has a weight of up to 16kg, nearly double the JETS.

Jets has been tested for durability at Fort Bragg in North Carolina to assess the impact resistance of the device, as well as to test aiming targets in both day and night conditions at a distance of 800 -2,500 m.