The Ratnik rifle is a 10-meter sniper rifle

In his latest test, the Ratnik uniform was never penetrated after being shot five times by sniper rifles at a distance of 10 meters.

Picture 1 of The Ratnik rifle is a 10-meter sniper rifle

During a test run in Moscow, armor-piercing armor for Russia's Ratnik future uniforms has successfully surpassed the sixth level bulletproof test.

In this test, an SVD Dragunov sniper rifle was used to shoot at the supposed target of armor in the Ratnik from a distance of 10 meters.

With a launch speed of up to 830m / s and a close distance, the armor was not penetrated after five shots. There are only five indentations on the shirt.

In addition, the suit was also tested on the soldier during reconnaissance missions.

During combat, the suit must be durable and not interfere with movement.

Ratnik military trials will continue until the end of next year and if nothing changes, Ratnik will be officially armed to the Russian military from 2014.