A couple of interesting things about scorpions

The scorpion with the shape of nhorbes but possesses extremely strong venom makes the prey easily paralyzed and dies in seconds. This frightening creature invariably considers larger animals to be terrified, including humans.

Let's find out interesting information about this scorpion.

Summary of the scorpion's body composition

The scorpion belongs to an invertebrate type, a stalk, and is composed of eight legs of the Arachnida class (spider-shaped animal).

The scorpion body is divided into two parts: the head of the chest (the front of the body) and the abdomen (the posterior part). The abdomen consists of the lower abdomen and tail.

Chest area / front torso : includes armor, eyes, pliers (part of the mouth), legs that touch and 8 legs.

Picture 1 of A couple of interesting things about scorpions

Lower abdomen : divided into 8 sections. The first paragraph containing the genitalia and traces of an accessory part have been reduced to the genital cap. The second part is a pair of sensory organs like Pectine. The remaining four segments consist of two lungs. The lower abdomen is covered with horn.

Tail part : consists of 6 burns (first burning as the final abdominal burn). The scorpion's anus lies on the last burner, while this burn carries venom. Late burning consists of a container, a pair of toxic glands and a venom injection.

Armor : surrounds the body, some places have hair as a balance organ. A layer of transparent armor would turn into fluorescent green under ultraviolet rays. New molting scorpions will not glow until its armor is sturdy. That coating may not be chipped in fossils for hundreds of millions of years.

Picture 2 of A couple of interesting things about scorpions

Unexpected secrets about scorpions

1 . Scorpions are one of the oldest animals on Earth . Their evolutionary history dates back to the Silurian period, about 430 million years ago. They evolved from giant scorpion-like creatures living in the sea, adapting, developing some insignificant parts until now.

Picture 3 of A couple of interesting things about scorpions

2 . Scorpions have excellent adaptability, they are found on all continents except Antarctica.

3 . Although the scorpion looks quite similar to crustaceans like shrimp and crabs, actually scorpions have close relatives, more attached to ticks, bugs and spiders .

4 . Although scorpions have a lot of eyes (at least 6 eyes and 12 eyes at most, depending on the different scorpion species), their vision is not good at all.

5 . Although the vision of things is not good, scorpions can still distinguish daylight or night light.

Picture 4 of A couple of interesting things about scorpions

6. The scorpions are called scorplings . They cling to her mother's body, leaving her piggyback until her first molting.

7 . The scent of the scorpion is very good, they can sense different smells to find food and escape from dangerous enemies.

8 . In particular, scorpions have extremely sensitive abilities, based on the fluctuations of their surroundings, they can guess what is present and how it is going.

Picture 5 of A couple of interesting things about scorpions

9 . The average lifespan of a scorpion is from 2 to 10 years. There are some special species that can live up to 25 years.

10. Fluorescence in scorpion armor is considered an important part of scorpion transformation and molting.

11 . Almost all scorpions have venom , however, only 25% of them have enough venom to make the prey paralyzed and dead.

12 . Scorpions can slow down their metabolism when food is extremely scarce. Some scorpions can live up to 1 year without eating or drinking water.

13 . Interestingly, scorpions are very sensitive to light, so they rarely move to places with lots of sunshine. The scorpions often feed at night, and in the day they rest in holes or holes in large rocks.

Picture 6 of A couple of interesting things about scorpions

14 . Scorpions are easily adapted to different habitats, including how harsh it is.

15 . Although the same species, females often have larger body sizes than males.

16 . Sometimes females can kill males immediately after they mate if the males don't rush to other places.

17 . The scorpion is a species that consumes liquid food , so in their venom there is a special substance that makes the prey become liquid so that they can be easily digested.

18 . They often eat living creatures such as spiders, insects, lizard larvae, sometimes small mice.

Picture 7 of A couple of interesting things about scorpions

19 . Although scorpions are diverse in variety but not so they have the same poison, each has their own toxic weapon to destroy the prey.

20 . The best environment for scorpions to thrive is land .

21 . Until now, scientists have discovered up to 1,750 different scorpion species with 13 families, including killer scorpions. There are more than 90 different scorpion species living in the United States.

22 . Dangerous scorpions often reside in North Africa and the Middle East.

Picture 8 of A couple of interesting things about scorpions

23 . There are more than 30 scorpion species found in Arizona. The most common in the Phoenix area is Scorpion Bark (Centruroides exilicauda), where there are scorpions with powerful poison and potentially lethal with the highest rate.

24 . Scorpion venom causes the prey to be paralyzed on the spot, and for humans, it will cause the bite to become inflamed, causing difficulty in breathing, muscle twitching, sudden increase in body temperature. , pulmonary edema.

25 . Scorpions have a large size gap in species. The smallest species is only about 9mm in size while the largest species can be longer than 20cm.

26 . Scorpions tend to live in areas with temperatures ranging from 20 - 37 ° C, but they can handle temperatures transcendantly. The researchers frozen scorpions overnight, the next day placed them in the sun, when the stone dissolved, scorpions shook me away like nothing.

Picture 9 of A couple of interesting things about scorpions

27. The scorpion will glow when exposed to the wavelength of ultraviolet rays . Unable to explain the cause and purpose of this glowing scorpion, the scientists hypothesize that because the scorpion senses light with the whole body, this phenomenon arises.

The scorpion is a species that is capable of detecting toxicity that affects people's lives, so if people come into contact with scorpions, then they should be carefully studied to avoid causing unfortunate things.