Red sea urchins, invertebrate-shaped invertebrates appear 450 million years ago. This is one of the most 'living' animals on Earth.

The people of California, USA, were extremely confused when they saw thousands of strange and plastic-like strange creatures washed ashore.

Octopus is a surprisingly complex creature with 500 million neurons on its head and body, capable of planning, deducing and predicting motion.

Some fishermen see strange shrimp in Grafham Water, Cambridgeshire county. They eat invertebrate animals in the lake ,,,

In many people's minds, insects are invertebrates ranging in size from very small to extremely small.

Hundred or not used by hand, that is the lesson that every leg spider has absorbed to the heart: The young spiders will

The giant Gippsland earthworm that lives in southeastern Australia is believed to be the world's largest worm.

On October 30, WWF published the Living Planet Report 2018 to follow the trend of wildlife populations development from 1970 to 2014.

No member of the animal kingdom can take algebra tests or write an essay that reaches an A.

Many animals have the ability to conceive and give birth to maintain the breed only a short time after birth.