Giants in the insect world

In many people's minds, insects are invertebrates ranging in size from very small to extremely small. However, just like the human world, in the world of millions of different insects there are their own "giants".

Below is a list of ' giant ' insects in the wild world once recorded by humans.

1. Titan beetle

Picture 1 of Giants in the insect world

So far, Titan beetles are the largest hard-winged insect ever known to inhabit the southern American Amazon rainforest. It is also one of the largest sized insects in the world.

An adult Titan beetle has a body length of up to 16.7 cm. If you include the length of the beard, the length of the Titan beetle can be up to 21cm.

This species has very hard shells and lower jaws. Their lower jaws can cut off a good pencil and can bite through human skin.

2. Giant stick insects

Picture 2 of Giants in the insect world

Rod insects often live in bamboo forests, their shape is very similar to a bamboo stick. Their bodies are very long and large. The average length of this insect ranges from 10 - 30 cm. The largest one can have a length of up to 260 cm. This is the longest insect in the world ever known.

In the survival war, this insect is very camouflaged. When they land on a tree branch or a bamboo branch, they look like a dry tree branch. When the temperature is too high or too low, their color will become darker or lighter.

3. Cricket Weta

Picture 3 of Giants in the insect world

Weta crickets are also one of the ' giant ' insects. Excluding the length of the legs and beard, the body of each Weta cricket is 10cm long. Their weight can be up to 70-80 grams, 100 to 150 times larger than flies.

The special thing of this cricket is that during 200 hundred million years they have almost no evolution. Their shape is almost kept intact until now.

Weta crickets are also classified by biologists as the world's most aggressive species. They can chase all mice and bite them. However, this only happens when they feel threatened.

4. Goliath bug

Picture 4 of Giants in the insect world

Whether it is size or weight, the Goliath bug is still worthy of being one of the insects. Goliath bugs grow mainly in Africa. An adult male can be up to 10cm long, weighs 100 grams. They are considered vegans in the natural world. However, they are a favorite food for dogs and cats.

5. Butterfly contract

Picture 5 of Giants in the insect world

With a wing length of up to 30cm, butterfly butterflies are the largest sized deep butterflies in the world ever known. But also because of the large size of the color, this butterfly is often hunted as a specimen.

6. Butterfly queen Alexandra

Picture 6 of Giants in the insect world

A queen Alexandra butterfly can have wingspan of up to 31cm, 8cm long and weighs 12 grams. This butterfly is only reported within about 100 km 2 in the rain forests of Guinea. From 1989 to now, this butterfly is facing the risk of extinction.

7. Acteon Beetles

Picture 7 of Giants in the insect world

The Acteon Beetle is one of the largest hard-winged beetles that inhabit the South American rainforests. An adult bug can be 12.7 cm long. Like other beetles, the Acteon bug's back carries an extremely sturdy wing layer. Because of their large body shape, Acteon bugs have almost no enemy species.

8. Chinese Mantis

Picture 8 of Giants in the insect world

Chinese Mantis are native to Asia and introduced to North America around 1895. Adults are about 10 cm long, the largest mantis in North America.

9. Giant Long-Legged Katydids (Arachnacris corporalis)

Picture 9 of Giants in the insect world

Originated in Malaysia. The average length of adults ranges from 15-25cm.

10. Megasoma Elephas

Picture 10 of Giants in the insect world

Megasoma Elephas is a beetle of the subfamily Dynastinae. Length of adult males is 7-12cm. They are usually twice as big as females.

11. Giant cockroach digging

Picture 11 of Giants in the insect world

Cockroaches dig huge cave originating from Australia. The length of the adult is about 80mm and weighs 35g. This cockroach can live for 10 years.

12. Huge camel spider

Picture 12 of Giants in the insect world

Giant camel spider (wind scorpion or sun spider). Feather spider. The average length of the sun spider is about 15cm with a weight of 56g.