Legend of the two-headed giant

In the history of the world, there are many documents documenting the presence of giants, from Greek giants, Norwegian giants, Pangu giants in China, Goliath and Anak giants in the Bible. , along with many great stories of great people in different cultures. In addition, many people claim they have encountered these strange creatures.

Giants Kap Dwa

One of the great creatures controversial about authenticity is Kap Dwa , the giant discovered off the coast of South America. In addition to his extraordinarily large body, Kap Dwa is also interested in the fact that he has two heads.

Many scientific documents show that the information about this giant's presence is credible, but because the story of Kap Dwa is related to a famous circus circus owner and prestigious experts not yet conducted a scientific test, the authenticity of this creature is still a question mark.

Kap Dwa is said to be a giant up to 3.66m tall, the body is currently preserved in a museum in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. It is said that this is a Patagonia giant (currently in Chile and Argentina), a land believed to be the home of giants for a long time.

The legend of the Patagonia giants is related to the story of the expedition of Ferdinand Magellan, the first captain to make a world tour.

Accordingly, during his expedition, Magellan and his crew moored on a South American beach and walked deep into the mainland to explore. After many days of scouring, they encountered native people twice as tall as ordinary people.

According to many people, perhaps among these Aboriginal people, mostly Tehuelche, randomly there are people higher than the average Europeans at the time. Their height was probably exaggerated by sailors, making for a long time in Europe it was believed that Patagonia was a land of giants .

However, some people believe that it is really like the giants in Patagonia and Kap Dwa are descendants of this breed.

There are two conflicting stories about the origin of Kap Dwa. According to the first story, Kap Dwa encounters Spanish sailors around 1673 on the Patagonia coast.

He was taken aboard and the sailors hung him on the mast. When released, he conflicts with them and is killed by a spear piercing through his chest. Later, his body was embalmed, brought back to England and then to the United States in the 19th century. Here, this giant mummy becomes the subject of many debates and is considered a wonder of the world yet. discover.

The second story is that the giant was found lying dead on a beach with a spear piercing through his chest. In this story, his body was found by Paraguayan natives, who then embalmed and worshiped him according to a religious ritual.

Some time later, the captain of the British sailboat, George Bickle, heard about the event, infiltrated Paraguay and stole the giant body and brought it back to England.

The two stories end in the same way: The last giant body returned to circus bosses . They added this artifact to their collection of strange things.

However, there are arguments about the authenticity of the two stories. Some people believe that is true while others think this is a hoax.

Medical syndrome?

Although the two-headed giant is considered a myth, it's like discovering a dragon or a dwarf ., but this legend has been spread widely in folk. And scientists got into it.

First, they looked at the extraordinary height of the giants and said it was not strange . There were unusually tall stature people due to a condition known as ' gigantism ' . The tallest person was recorded in world history with concrete evidence that Robert Wadlow (1918-1940), with 2.47m and continued to grow until he died suddenly at age 22.

Although humans can develop abnormal heights, the increased health complications make them difficult to survive with such heights. The reason that Wadlow died was because his feet were swollen, affecting the weight of his body weight. These blisters eventually cause severe damage and he dies from complications related to infection.

Humans and early species have also been identified in history. Many pairs of conjoined twins can form a condition called dicephalic parapagus , a body with two heads. Most cases of dicephalic parapagus do not live through childhood, but there are also a few rare cases to live on.

The two most famous examples are Italian, Giovanni and Giacomo Battista Tocci (1875/1877 - 1940?) And American sisters in Minnesota named Abby and Brittany Hensel born in 1990 are still alive.

The chances of survival of dicephalic parapagus twins increase if their vital organs double so that each person has a separate heart, a separate stomach, a separate lung, etc. So, the twins Biologically and surviving adults are rare.

The truth about Kap Dwa

If the two-headed giant Kap Dwa is real, we will have to assume two scenarios are very unlikely at the same time. Maybe he is a dicephalic parapagus twins , a body and two heads, and has twice as many internal organs to survive.

In addition, he also suffers from 'giant disorder'. Therefore, despite having two rare syndromes, his health was well developed, able to resist European sailors . In the 1960s, doctors examined the body and said there were no signs. of a fake about this person.

However, there are no other experts on the examination, or a surgery to see if this is a true twin and dual-head twins.

Another problem with Kap Dwa's authenticity is related to Phineas Taylor Barnum. This person was a businessman, circus boss and politician who lived in the 19th century, famous for his shows, in which he exhibited the creatures he claimed to be the body of a mystical creature or objects from some distant land.

His two most famous models are jackalope (deer horned rabbit) and Fiji fishman. However, it was later discovered that most of his specimens turned out to be hoaxes, the most notable of which were Fijian fishermen. Therefore, in the case of Kap Dwa, it is thought that this is also one of the scams and products of circus owners.

In addition, there is a strange art form that was popular at the time known as animal stuffed, which rebuilds the corpse that looks like legendary creatures like dragons, fairies, elves and even giants . Today this type is no longer available, but very popular in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Patagonia's two-headed giant may be a specimen made by animal-stuffed people to trick people.

In short, scientifically, Kap Dwa may be a twin-headed twins, double organs and a huge disorder. He had two rare syndromes and a healthy luck. In addition, this may be the product of the circus created to deceive the public and ultimately the work of artisans stuffed with animals .