A picture depicts the change of the desk over the past 20 years

With the development of digital services and mobile devices, everyone's standard desks have changed a lot.

The change of the desk over time

Picture 1 of A picture depicts the change of the desk over the past 20 years
Animations show the change of the desk for 20 years.

20 years ago, when digital technology was not really developed, personal working tools were still very simple. People are very less dependent on machines, from recording to foreign languages, all from paper books.

Technology is growing to serve the needs of everyone's work and play, so the working corner is also changing. It's hard to imagine how our desk has changed over the past 20 years.

Picture 2 of A picture depicts the change of the desk over the past 20 years

Picture 3 of A picture depicts the change of the desk over the past 20 years

Picture 4 of A picture depicts the change of the desk over the past 20 years

Reference: bestreviews.com