Add evidence of water on Mars

The US space agency (NASA) yesterday (15-2) said a recent Mars probe has provided additional evidence of the presence of water on the Red planet.

The color images taken by the HiRISE camera mounted on NASA's Mars probe showed a panoramic view of the equatorial hills with dozens of dark-colored rock layers interspersed and interrupted by dark sand dunes color.

Detailed images show that there are long fissures in the interior of the stone layers surrounded by slightly light colored ' rings '. In Science today (16-2), the researchers argue that these ' rings ' are clear evidence of a liquid that once flowed through here. They also said that the minerals in this liquid are similar to cement, making the stone here white and firmer.

Picture 1 of Add evidence of water on Mars
(Photo: TTO)

According to Chris H. Okubo, the lead author of the article in Science , these new images are strong evidence that liquids - possibly water, liquid carbon dioxide or mixtures, both - once flowed. in the bottom layer of the Candor Chasma area of ​​Mars.

Candor Chasma is one of many canyons that form the vast gorge of Marses Marineris of Mars. This gorge extends from California to New York and has more places than the Grand Canyon (North America) to 6-7m - the deepest canyon of the Solar System planets.