Mars: adding new evidence for the existence of water

On May 21, the US Space Research Agency (NASA) announced it had discovered the existence of a large amount of silicon concentration, new evidence that in the past the surface of the Red Planet had so much water. .

According to NASA, a sample of Martian soil by the Spirit (launched on Mars) is very rich in silicon. This may be solid evidence to date that Mars has been wetter than in the past. Scientists claim that the soil sample consists of 90% silicon.

Spirit and Opportunity are two geological analysis robots, starting their Mars exploration expedition in early 2004 and have continued to function well. These two robots have discovered many other signs of the existence of water on Mars as crystalline stones. In addition, in March, devices from Europe's Mars Express probe detected many water signs at the southern tip of Mars.

Currently, most scientists agree that Mars was formed like the Earth about 4.6 billion years ago, there was a very wet period in its history.

Picture 1 of Mars: adding new evidence for the existence of water

The picture shows that water exists on Mars through the presence of silicon (Photo: NASA).

Picture 2 of Mars: adding new evidence for the existence of water