Adults also worry about looks like teenagers.

The appeal of being loved by people draws teenagers into social circles from harmless to even life threatening health effects. Adults are also proved to be so vulnerable, along with the need to make themselves fit can cause serious health consequences.

Recent research suggests that both men and women are alike in experiencing feelings of anxiety about being rejected because of what is called appearance. And circulatory worries as well as immediate triggers cause serious physical and mental problems including eating disorders.

The source may be due to the desire to have a connection with others, research-led psychologist Lora Park of Buffalo University in New York said we know people who look attractive on TV or in the world. Media, and think that if we look as attractive as they are, it may be accepted or admired by everyone

And looking for ways to get that approval, some people are really in a high level of anxiety about this issue.

How I look?

Picture 1 of Adults also worry about looks like teenagers. Some people even feel obsessed with their looks more than anyone

Professor Park conducted research on 242 undergraduate students aged between 18 and 25. Each participant had to answer questions designed to assess personality characteristics as well. like physical and mental health

These people also imagine how they will feel in the 15 scenarios created about interpersonal communication. For example, a section says ' You're leaving home to go to your first appointment and discover a blemish on your face. Subjects will be evaluated from 1 to 6 ways that they feel anxious and whether they want or not an appointment that looks less attractive . '

About one-half of the subjects had a highly sensitive reaction to being rejected by appearance. The highest scorers showed many signs of low self-esteem, impact and eating disorders. Professor Park said that fear of rejection by society could stimulate these unhealthy characteristics and behaviors.

Professor added that both men and women are considered sensitive to the problem of rejection because of their appearance, they are obsessed with body and weight in unhealthy ways, they avoid eating while they are hungry, muscle pressure can exercise and bind yourself in anorexia and abuse of vomiting and laxative drugs

Please change the focus

Professor Park has found a way to reduce the concern about being rejected due to appearance by the so-called " quiet children ", when participants focus on their own strengths or Friends, their worries will be reduced

Professor Park expressed that looks are not everything, it is just one side of human life but when it becomes the focus and people become too concerned about it, then it really hinders They develop close relationships.

She explained that the constant interest in the look and comparison of peers will eventually create distant relationships.

We have a distorted message that whether or not we look attractive, then we will feel good and then we will have close relationships.

The research will be published in the journal ' Social and Personality Psychology News '.

Anh Phuong