Aliens will rule the earth?

In a recent study of the alien hypothesis and civilizations that came from other planets, scientists concluded, there are only two possibilities: Either we are alone in the universe or there are people outside. but they will find ways to dominate us to exploit resources.

Another planet will occupy Earth?

Picture 1 of Aliens will rule the earth?

According to the study of author Simon Conway Morris at Cambridge University (UK) and colleagues, published in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A , the two possibilities seem to be most likely today. The reason is that the evolutionary process is predictable and that this process will make aliens become smart species like us, with superior strength in technology and thirst for days. increasing in minerals and raw materials.

Human creatures of humanity

Morris says that organisms have exploited almost everything the Earth has. Life on Earth will therefore exist according to certain limits, like all life everywhere in the universe. In addition, the evolution of organisms takes place in a predictable process that also produces an outcome that one can predict.

Based on this, Morris believes that alien life, if it exists, will resemble life on earth and they have the same intelligence as us . These creatures may not look like extraterrestrial beings, but all the differences are only on the outer skin. But, Morris says, people should be wary of alien creatures because they may be in the thirst of mineral resources like us and can find ways to invade Earth.

This is also the view of some other researchers, especially physicist Stephen Hawking , who publicly expressed the belief that there is alien life. He warned that aliens might exploit the Earth to find important ingredients to serve them, instead of cultural "exchanges" with life on Earth.

' We have to look at ourselves to see that intelligent life can grow into something we don't want ' - Hawking said - ' I imagine they could exist in large ships, used exhaust all resources from your planet. Such progressive aliens can become nomads, find ways to conquer and colonize any planet they reach '.

He said that if aliens came to Earth, it would be similar to Christopher Columbus for the first time to set foot on the Americas, but the results were not good for Indians.

Picture 2 of Aliens will rule the earth?

Are we completely alone?

The prospect of greedy aliens and colonial invasion is very alarming. But Conway Morris thinks of another scenario that is very sad and likely to come true. It is that we are completely alone in this universe .

He said that the vast universe came extraordinary and could contain in it at least 100 billion galaxies. Our solar system is quite young compared to the entire universe, about 4.6 billion years old compared to 13.7 billion years. Therefore, there was a lot of time for an alien civilization to emerge and grow stronger than us. But the fact that aliens have not contacted us is a sign that there is no life outside the universe.

He also judged that the big gap separating alien civilizations was not too big an obstacle to communication. ' At least until now, the distance of 100,000 light years is not without surpassing, ' he said.

Of course, not everyone agrees with Morris's opinion. Another study by scientist Albert Harrison, published in the same issue with Morris, suggests that discovering an alien life can bring interesting things instead of fear. This is because alien life may be primitive or curious to humanity.

The first evidence of alien life could be a microbe from Mars or our Solar System-like planets. It could also be an electrical signal that suddenly launched to the earth. Whatever the situation, the scenario will not be the same as in the Great War between worlds, with aliens using modern spacecraft to invade us.

Harrison points out that, based on what has happened in the past 50 years as technology development, space flights, space science and human understanding of the universe has prepared us. Very good for the prospect of meeting alien life.

' These achievements create the feeling that everything is possible. I believe that alien life is in the universe and we will invent modern technological means to discover those lives, 'he said.