Aluminum battery test: cheap, not burnt, fully charged within a minute

The lithium batteries that we use today have the advantage of being high capacity but it is easy to burn and charge as long as possible.

Testing new aluminum batteries has many advantages

Stanford University scientists have unveiled a battery that they call an aluminum battery . The battery does not even catch fire or explode when it comes in, does not catch fire and is fully charged in a minute . Previously, the old generation of aluminum batteries only charged about 100 times, but the new battery has been charged up to 7500 times without losing a bit of storage, so great.

However, the aluminum battery is not without weaknesses, it only provides 2v power but not 3.6V as the Lithium battery , in addition it only holds 40W per kg, much lower than 100-206W / kg of Lithium battery. Sooner or later, scientists will change the material at the cathode of the aluminum battery to improve these two weak points, and when they succeed, we will have a dream battery: cheap, Fast charging, plastic, easy to mass and long life.