America was discovered 20,000 years before Colombus

Scientists have determined that America has been found since the Stone Age. The stone relics of European origin from 19,000 to 26,000 years old, found in 6 different locations proved it.

According to , three relics have been discovered in the Delmarva peninsula (Maryland state, USA), two relics in the state of Pennsylvania and Virginia (USA). The last relic was picked up by a fisherman accidentally from the ocean floor (which in the prehistoric period was a land).

Picture 1 of America was discovered 20,000 years before Colombus

Scientists have long recognized the similarity between relics from the Americas and Europe, but at that time people defined their age no more than 15,000 years, meaning that at the time of the Europeans create such products.

Surveying newly discovered relics, scientists concluded that they belonged to the same age. The relics found in Europe are almost their exact versions. In addition, last year, a chemical analysis of the stone knife was found, found in 1971 in Virginia (USA), and proved that the artifact was made from a silicon oxide derived from France.

After collecting all the evidence, scientists from the Smithsonian Institute (USA) and the University of Excetera (UK) concluded that, during the Ice Age, the Stone Age residents migrated from Eastern Europe to North America. They either traveled by boat or swam along the cold northern part of the Atlantic, or they walked the frozen regions from East to West and the place to settle was North America.