Announcing shocking information about celestial star temperature

The seventh planet from the Sun, Uranus has the coldest atmosphere of any planet in the Solar System. Recently, Thien Vuong star suddenly caught sight of scientists and interesting information.

Picture 1 of Announcing shocking information about celestial star temperature
The temperature inside the celestial star could reach 8,540 F (4,727 C).(Photo source: Space).

Uranus is primarily composed of hydrogen, helium and methane. Most light gases are found in class atmospheres.

In it, the planet's troposphere is relatively dense, containing planets of the planet, cold at -153 degrees Celsius to 218 degrees, making it the coldest atmosphere in the Solar System. .

Heated by sunlight and radiation from space, the outer troposphere has a slightly higher temperature. The outer layer may heat up to a temperature of 1,070 F (577 C).

Unlike other giant stars, Uranus can boast a rock core rather than a gas core.

The temperature inside celestial stars can reach 8,540 F (4,727 C) , which looks warm but cooler than other planets - Jupiter's core can reach 43,000 F (24,000 C).