Announcing the Ig Nobel Prize 2016

To reschedule, the interesting and incredible research was chosen to award at Harvard University on September 22 night.

Is the sex of the male mouse affected when it wears pants? Do people get drunk like a goat? Do the stones have personality? Those are research topics that have just been awarded the Ig Nobel prize, ie "stupid Nobel".

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The scene in the stupid Nobel ceremony at Harvard University - (Photo: Reuters).

According to the guideline, every year the organizers consider awarding scientific research works "that make people laugh, then make people think".

In the 26th awards ceremony at the prestigious Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA), the Reproduction Prize was awarded to the researcher of Cairo University (Egypt), Mr. Ahmed Shafik with the work on the gender of redemption. change when redeem . wear pants.

Shafik's study, published in 1993, concluded that a male mouse wearing pants containing polyester fibers would be less attractive to females than those who wore woolen trousers or cotton.

Among the 10 awards awarded were the Biology Prize for Thomas Thwaites , the British. This scientist once had three days to live in the guise of a goat. He invented prosthetic devices that allowed him to walk long-legged in a four-legged manner. He also lived as a goat to eat grass (to be safe to cook), to drink water.

However, this year Thomas Thwaites had to share the prize with a person who had the idea of "living in the wild" as he was a fellow countryman Charles Foster. Even Mr. Foster survived a test of badger, fox, deer and bird.

Both awardees, like other winners, are "grandiose" of Zimbabwe's $ 10,000 billion bill (according to Le Monde newspaper the actual value is only about VND 200, while reporting to The Guardian for that about VND 9,000 is about!) and a trophy has a big watch.

Standing up for the Nobel Prize is fun, but it is the real Nobel laureate.

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The image is shown in the rats' study - Photo: Annals of Improbable Research.

In the field of Economics, this year the goofy Nobel organizing committee gave the group of three researchers of New Zealand and an Englishman for concentrating on finding the "personality" of the stones.

They have been working hard to find out how the product's personality promotion affects rock pieces. Their research shows that when people come into contact with stones, people can create human characteristics for that stone. Their conclusion: the concept of personality in the product must be approached in a more careful way because the stone is still affected!

The team of the US, Canada, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands won the prize in the field of Psychology thanks to their research on lying. They asked 1,000 people who like to lie about how they feel when lying and how good their lies are.

This year's Ig Nobel Peace Prize presented to Canadian and American philosophers for publishing an article entitled "On the reception and recognition of profound crap."

Researchers have gone into how people understand meaningless statements wrapped under a meaningful crust, by piecing together random words into grammatically correct sentence structures but hearing nothing.

Some examples can be described as "integrity silencing endless phenomena" or "implicitly altering incomparable abstract beauty".

In other words, they are nothing more than profound posters used to inspire the staff of the desk or help dental patients less afraid of the dental machine.

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Mr. Thomas Thwaites accepted the award with the goat form he had experienced for three days - (Photo: Reuters).

In 2015, the notable Ig Nobel Prize as in the section of Physiology and Entomology was given to entomologist Justin Schmidt and researcher Michael Smith from Cornell University for their daring experiments to find Understand how much the bee is hurting and the sting of the bee in the body is the most painful. Conclusion: The most painful places of bee stings are the nose, upper lip and penis root.

Ig Nobel Prize 2015 array of Biology belongs to Chilean scientists who performed experiments with the tail of a chicken. By attaching an artificial tail to the chicken body, they were able to shift the animal's weight backwards. This result further demonstrates the hypothesis of the movement of giant dinosaurs, which are mostly carnivorous dinosaurs, standing on two legs.

Ig Nobel Chemistry honors how chemists have done a seemingly "impossible" task: reversing the state of living a part of a well-cooked egg. Discovery is said to have many applications in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, especially saving time and money for drug development.

The Ig Nobel Prize in Economics is about Bangkok Police Department (Thailand) because of the proposal to pay more bonuses to police who refuse to accept bribes.

The Ig Nobel Prize , first awarded in 1991, was selected and awarded by the Annals of Improbable Research magazine. The prize is just a symbolic trophy and a certificate. The winner must be self-sufficient in all aspects of the prize presentation.

Awarded for "real" Nobel prize-winning fields such as Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine and adding public health, technology, and some other science.

In the Ig Nobel Prize history there was a special case of Russian physicist, Andre Geim, who became the first to receive both types of prizes: traditional Nobel (2010) and Ig Nobel (2000).