Scientists who studied drunken worms, the swimming patterns of dead salmon, and using pigeons to control missiles were named at the 34th Ig Nobel Prize announcement ceremony.

The study aimed to find out why scientists like to lick rocks or invent smart toilets that monitor waste by the winner of the 2023 Ig Nobel fun science prize.

The experiment of hanging rhinos upside down to understand the effects on their bodies was one of this year's Ig Nobel Prize-winning studies.

Ig Nobel prize

But how to warn a deaf person who is sleeping very drunk during the night? The fire alarm was useless because they couldn't hear it.

To reschedule, the interesting and incredible research was chosen to award at Harvard University on September 22 night.

Research on the time when animals urinate, or the benefits of intense kissing, are two of the 10 humorous scientific findings that won this year's Ig Nobel prize.