Anti-freeze for aircraft

In order to help the aircraft move safely through cold, wet, and ice areas, Japanese experts have introduced new surface-coating technology, which is capable of preventing freezing in extreme weather.

As the aircraft moves through the clouds filled with super-cold water, the area around the nose, the edge of the scene, and the top of the engine can undergo a low pressure condition, causing the water to condense onto the surface and form The ice, according to Hirotaka Sakaue, a researcher at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

Picture 1 of Anti-freeze for aircraft
Ensure the aircraft is effectively anti-ice
Important for Flight Safety - (Photo:

To combat this situation, current anti-icing technologies include redirecting hot air to the wing, blowing compressed air to break the ice at the edge of the wing.

Japanese experts say the superhydrophobic technology they are researching can stop water from forming, according to

The microscopic particles of the new material, called polytetrafluoroethylene , in the coating give a rough surface, enhancing water resistance to the surface.

The suppression of ice water on the wing is important, in order to minimize the risk of loss of control due to the ice shifting the airflow, and may cause the aircraft to die.