Apart from cockroaches, which creatures can lose their heads and still survive?

This "super" creature is very small, they can fly 50 times faster than human blinks!

According to American zoology professor Herman Tpieth, who worked at the University of California (USA), female flies are one of the "super" creatures in the animal world.

He said, a female fruit fly can still live for a while after being amputated. The survival process takes place normally as if it was still in its original state. That is, female flies can still perform complex activities like flying, circulating, moving .

Picture 1 of Apart from cockroaches, which creatures can lose their heads and still survive?
Female fruit fly is one of the "super" creatures in the animal world.(Photo: Futura-Sciences).

Although there are no eyes, fruit flies are equipped with a special "sensor" that can detect obstacles on the way.

In addition, with light-sensing cells evenly distributed throughout the body, the fruit fly can still "see" light and distinguish light from dark.

Scientists explain the phenomenon of losing the survivors of "super" fruit flies as follows:

They said that fruit flies have a "side brain" in their chests, allowing them to move, fly and perform other activities, such as the beginning.

This is quite similar to cockroaches. They can also live for a while if they lose their head because the brain and neuralgia of this species are distributed throughout the body.

Another "different" trait in the fruit fly is that, even if the female loses her head, the male fruit fly can still identify her " mate " and mate as usual.

In addition, scientists said, fruit flies can also live a few more days after losing important wings. Because they can still walk to find food sources.

Picture 2 of Apart from cockroaches, which creatures can lose their heads and still survive?
Fruit flies like to eat sweet fruits from fruits.(Photo: Getty).

Here are some other characteristics of the fruit fly in general:

  1. Fruit fly has a scientific name is Drosophilidae.
  2. Fruit flies have only 4 chromosomes but their genes are quite similar to humans, which is why they are used so much in scientific research (experiment and illustrate biological mutations in mutant form). chromosome).
  3. On average, fruit flies beat their wings about 220 times per second.
  4. When feeling threatened, fruit flies promote their flying ability. They can throw navigation in 1/100 seconds. This speed is 50 times faster than the blink of an eye.
  5. In the brain of a fruit fly with a gene called Gene FoxP, this gene helps fruit flies make "smart" and sophisticated decisions.
  6. Because of their fruit, their English name is fruit fly .