Appeared mythical white deer is extremely rare

The appearance of an extremely rare white deer in London's Bushy Park, England has sparked public opinion, surprising many people, hoping to see it again.

Recently, at Bushy Park, London, England, Max Ellis, 46, an amateur photographer who captured impressive images of a very rare white deer, caused a stir.

Max shared, he often walks in the park for the past 15 years, recording countless beautiful images of nature and animals here. But this is the first time he saw a beautiful white deer like this.

Picture 1 of Appeared mythical white deer is extremely rare
The white deer appeared at Bushy Park.

"I think this white deer is an animal that only exists in fairy tales, it appears and as if it possesses some magic that is extremely attractive," said Max Ellis.

Through the images that can be seen, the deer possesses the fur and both white and white antlers but the eye pigment is still black. Therefore, it is possible that the strange white deer does not suffer from albino disease, losing the whole body, but also suffers from Leucism syndrome , commonly known as the "albino" , which is a type of subtle disability. Different chromatophores, depletion or loss of pigmentation of the skin, hair, or feathers, no change in eye pigmentation or are rare, rarely affect vision.

According to research, in many cultures, white deer, white deer are beasts that symbolize luck, sand. They are also thought to have lived very long, so the coat gradually turns white. Therefore, having the opportunity to meet white deer, white deer is really fortunate that few people meet.

Picture 2 of Appeared mythical white deer is extremely rare

Picture 3 of Appeared mythical white deer is extremely rare

Picture 4 of Appeared mythical white deer is extremely rare

Picture 5 of Appeared mythical white deer is extremely rare