Rare photo of mysterious white deer

The animal that only appears in myths has fallen into the lens of a photographer in the UK.

Picture 1 of Rare photo of mysterious white deer

The photo that Ken Grindle took in Dean's forest.Photo: Ken Grindle.

Daily Mail said photographer Ken Grindle saw the deer in the forest of Dean, county of Gloucestershire, England.

"I saw the animal sitting in the tent. It appeared right in front of me and walked around. White deer are beautiful animals but not everyone has a chance to see them. I filmed a movie. when the camera ran out of battery, " Grindle said.

British scientists believe that Dean's forest is home to many rare animals such as lions, tigers, wild boars and white deer.

Picture 2 of Rare photo of mysterious white deer

The white deer was discovered in the Scottish plateau last year.Photo: Fran Lockhart .

This is not the first time people have seen white deer in the land of fog. Last year a nature conservation expert saw a white deer in the Scottish highlands. Poachers shot another in England.

Picture 3 of Rare photo of mysterious white deer

Poachers killed the white deer in the photo in 2007. Photo: Daily Mail.

Many cultures of white deer are powerful animals and bring good luck. People rarely see them in the wild. In fact, white deer are red deer (Cervus elaphus) with albino disease. They are distributed in Asia, Europe and North America.