Are the alien looks like humans?

If aliens exist, they are more likely to look like us, a leading scientist of the universe. In addition, the scientist thinks aliens also have the same behavior and social organization as humans on Earth.

Picture 1 of Are the alien looks like humans?

Society of aliens is similar to ours?(Illustration)

The conference on extraterrestrials was held at the Royal Society on January 25-26, with representatives from the US Aerospace Agency (NASA), Space Agency Europe and the United Nations Office on space issues (UNOOSA). At this conference, there were a lot of scientists presenting papers about the viability of aliens on Earth and the "risk" of our lives.

Dr. Simon Conway Morris, of the University of Cambridge (UK) and a delegate to this conference, said that extraterrestrial creatures - if they exist, may also look like ours. But maybe they will be smarter than humans on Earth.

If the British scientist's predictions are true, we can somehow imagine the shape of aliens through Hollywood fantasy movies like Star Wars. or Star Trek.

'The evolution of extraterrestrial beings may be like Darwin's evolutionary theory , ' said Dr. Morris, 'Other evolutionary possibilities are very difficult to happen. I don't think an extraterrestrial person. If it exists, they are like us, have eyes, mouth, nose and walk with both feet. '

In addition, Dr. Conway Morris believes that aliens also have a way of communicating, conflict and tend to discover other planets like humans on Earth.

In case, the aliens came to Earth in a friendly way, Dr. Morris suggested that we welcome them and find a suitable place for them to live. However, he also worries that planets will not be so friendly because they come from older planets than Earth and know that pain is a threat to us.

Therefore, he called on scientists around the world to actively study to find out the evidence of aliens that exist on Earth, to soon plan to deal with these strange guests. .

Concurrent with the aliens' ability to survive on Earth, Dr. Paul Davies, a physicist at the University of Arizona (USA), believes that mysterious strange creatures may be living in areas There are extreme conditions in the world such as deserts, volcanoes, saltwater lakes, arid valleys, or remote Antarctic regions.

However, not all scientists attending the 2-day conference at the Royal Society agree on the possibility of alien existence on Earth. Professor Colin Pillinger, who runs the Beagle 2 flight to Mars suspects: 'I have always believed in scientific evidence and the hypothesis of the existence of aliens given at the seminar is incredible. '.