The cold, deadly alien vision of

According to the scientist, aliens can 'wipe out' people because in their eyes, humans are no different from 'animals'.

According to Dr. Kaku, there will be no such thing as contact with humans will "give" to technology governments to help the human civilization 'evolve'.

Picture 1 of The cold, deadly alien vision of
Dr. Kaku said that in the eyes of aliens, humans are no different from "squirrels".

'I myself don't think that will happen. For example, when you're in a forest, do you go around, talk to the squirrels or the surrounding deer? It may be a while but then you will be bored because they can't speak, in other words they have nothing interesting for us to care about , ' he said. 'Aliens can go ahead for thousands of years, even millions of years in technology and they may not be interested to interact with us in the same way we interact with children. things in the forest '.

Although he disagrees with the physicist's theory that contact with aliens is "suicide" , Kaku must agree that humanity should not risk his own survival.

'I believe we should not let them know about the existence of humans as well as the Earth because we do not know their intentions , ' he said.

However, according to Mr. Kaku, since aliens may not be interested in humans, the ability of the Earth to be attacked and invaded only occurs when people 'get in the way' .

'I think they will be peaceful creatures and do not want to "plow' the Earth. There are many planets no one occupies out there for them to do it. Therefore, I believe, they will ignore it. , don't touch us , "said Dr. Kaku.