Artificial bones from umbilical cord stem cells

Current biotechnology can facilitate the creation of artificial bone tissue from umbilical cord stem cells.

The scientific group in Granada, Spain has invented a new biological material from umbilical cord cells with the help of carbon fiber that acts as a skeleton, helping to rebuild cells capable of bone regeneration. . The study was recently presented at a press conference at Granada Biomedical Research Center after years of research in cell biology, radioactive biology, ScienceDaily reported.

Picture 1 of Artificial bones from umbilical cord stem cells
Artificial bones.(Photo: University of Granada)

Although the above method has not been applied on the body, the results of the experiment given by experts are very promising. In the future, it will help produce bone repair drugs, treat tumors, traumatic injuries, or replace lost cartilage in the legs.

After having artificial bones in the laboratory, the next step, the researchers will implant this biological material in laboratory animals such as rats and rabbits, and monitor how it regenerates its bones.

In terms of stem cell classification, the Granada team used a three-dimensional tool to create cell types related to bone regeneration in cell culture conditions, without requiring additional Additional factors, or other factors in cell culture serum.

After this important scientific discovery, researchers believe they will have the additional financial resources needed to continue their work and achieve the ultimate goal of innovation in regenerative medicine - bone regeneration. How to implant biological materials, treat bone tissue and many problems of cartilage injury.