Asbestos is extremely toxic to health

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 100,000 people die from asbestos-related cancers each year (the ore can be spun), its syndrome can last from 10, 20 , or 30 years before getting sick.

Picture 1 of Asbestos is extremely toxic to health

"Chrysotile" is still used to make roofing sheets in many developing countries.

In fact, asbestos has 6 types, of which the most toxic one has the scientific name crocidolite, or "blue asbestos", which has been banned from use in many countries around the world.

The least toxic type, chrysolite, also known as "chrysotile", is still being used to make roofing sheets, gaskets, or water pipes.

Ban Asbestos (an international network, currently fighting for a ban on asbestos use worldwide) said that the production of this ore is increasing in some countries, especially third world countries.

However, the situation is more worrisome in many African countries because limited use of asbestos has not been given adequate attention.