Astronaut sharing experience of 'isolation' in the universe

Scott Kelly spent nearly a year on a mission on the International Space Station. Speaking of social isolation, perhaps few possess the experience like this astronaut.

Astronaut's advice for social isolation

  1. Follow a specific schedule
  2. Enjoy nature
  3. Find a hobby
  4. Record the experience
  5. Do not forget to chat with others
  6. Listen to the experts
  7. All people have a connection

Interpret the article by astronaut Scott Kelly, who has worked on the International Space Station (ISS) for nearly a year.

Being stuck at home is undoubtedly very difficult. When I lived on ISS for almost a year, it was not easy. I go to sleep at work, and wake up still at work. Flying in space is probably the only job in the world that you can not quit .

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Astronaut Scott Kelly has worked for nearly a year on the International Space Station.(Photo: NASA).

However, I also learned a lot from my time at ISS. This can be a useful experience for everyone, when we are "locking themselves" in the home to reduce the spread of corona virus.

Follow a specific schedule

On the space station, my schedule is very detailed and tight, from the moment I wake up to sleep again. Sometimes my job is to go to space in about 8 hours, sometimes it's just a few minutes of checking the plants in the universe.

You will find that having a plan and following it will help you and your family adjust for the difference between the workplace and at home. When I came back to Earth, I missed the schedule and it was hard to live without a specific schedule.

However, do not force yourself. When living and working in the same space for many days, work can take up all your time. When I was in space, I allowed myself to let go a little bit, because I knew I had to stick with this life for a long time, like everyone else today.

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Scott Kelly "selfie" with the Earth from the panoramic observation room on the ISS.(Photo: NASA).

Find pleasures sometimes. I made an appointment with other astronauts to watch the "Game of Thrones" and eat junk food.

Do not forget to take time to sleep regularly and on time. NASA scientists carefully study the astronauts' sleep in space, and they realized that the quality of sleep greatly affects cognitive abilities, emotions as well as relationships.

These are important elements for space tasks, as well as the time spent working from home.

Enjoy nature

One of the things I crave the most when living in space is going out and enjoying nature. After being in such a tight space for months, I really wanted to see green grass, smell the earth or feel the sun on my skin.

That's why the flowers I planted in experiments became an important part of space time.

For astronauts, getting out of the spacecraft needs very careful planning and many days in advance. I am really happy that I can still go out for a walk without wearing an astronaut suit. Studies show that spending time outside nature benefits both health and spirit.

You should take the schedule to go out a bit every day, of course, you need to comply with the rule of staying away from others over 2m.

Find a hobby

When you're trapped in a small space, you need something other than work. Many people are surprised to learn that I bring many books to space. The tranquility of a book is extremely valuable, compared to the announcements that pop up repeatedly.

You can support bookstores during this time, while reducing the time spent on electronics.

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Whether it's in space or at home, it's important to find a hobby.(Photo: NASA).

You can also learn an instrument, practice drawing or make your own. Those are the ways astronauts play in space.

Record the experience

NASA has been studying the effects of living alone for decades, and one of their discoveries is the value of a handbook. Throughout my mission, I take the time to document my daily experiences.

If you find it too boring to just copy down everything you do, try describing your experience with all your senses, or write about the most impressive memories of the day. I have written a book from my experience, and you can also record what you feel so you can look back on a special time later.

Do not forget to chat with others

Despite a lot of work on the ISS, I never missed the opportunity to call family and friends. According to many studies, living alone not only affects the spirit but also the physical body, especially the immune system.

With current technologies, you can easily connect with people, so take the time to talk with your relatives and friends.

Listen to the experts

In difficult situations, you should listen to an expert. At times like these, we need knowledge from the most knowledgeable people.

Social media can spread the news as badly as shaking hands and spreading viurs, so get information from the most trusted sources like WHO or John Hopkins University Research Center.

All people have a connection

Viewed from the air, the Earth does not have a border. The spread of corona virus shows that our bond is more valuable than any separation.

Picture 4 of Astronaut sharing experience of 'isolation' in the universe
Social isolation is the most effective way to prevent the virus from spreading.(Photo: Getty).

One of the influences when looking at Earth from space, for me, is evoking empathy. Although we feel desperate at home, there are ways to help others, such as spending time or money on charitable activities.

I have seen humanity join hands to overcome many difficult challenges, and I know that we will also overcome this challenge in unison.

And don't forget to wash your hands often.

  1. The height of astronauts increased 5cm after 1 year of living in space
  2. NASA study of changes in outer space