Attractive aliens of America

Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), a number of UFO research projects and projects - unidentified flying objects - are made public. Therefore, the UFO theme once again rises.

>>>UFOs, aliens - the world of humankind for centuries
>>> Touch the aliens

To solve the problems of UFOs, mysterious enigmas, countries around the world have established a number of scientific research councils. Investigation projects are serious, international and invested millions of dollars.

Many scientific studies are considered national assets, should be kept confidential with high security.

America used to assume another planet

At the end of 1940, the United States was the first country to receive official reports of UFOs, the Pentagon conducted a number of studies and preliminary investigations of the incident. This time is also when the US press has thoroughly exploited the theme of UFOs appearing in the sky of national airspace.

There are many theories given, whether this is an airplane, a secret weapon of advanced nations, or even strange atmospheric phenomena that have never appeared on Earth. By the end of 1948, the US authorities said that based on the evidence obtained for many years, the strange object was likely to come from another planet, although it was unknown what it was, where it came from and had. what is the purpose

In the early 1950s, the US Government decided to set up the Blue Book Project, a small agency that received reports from citizens, investigated and gave explanations to the media and the public.

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The photo mocked, did not believe in aliens.(Photo: internet)

In 1970, the US stopped all official investigations related to UFOs and did not give any reasonable explanation. Instead, official authorities, media, believe that UFOs are not real and should not be taken seriously. The United States formally dismissed the entire UFO problem, and expressed indifference to this strange incident. The US government assigns UFOs, aliens, to the category of 'science fiction' and thinks UFOs have cost them a considerable amount of treasury.

However, now in the US there are many personal websites or blogs of fighter pilots set up to talk about the times they encounter UFOs. Not only personal blogs, broadcasters, big media like MSNBC or CNN also have their own sections for those who have seen UFOs to write and share information.

On CNN's blog in 2010 there was an article about seven US Air Force veterans present at the National Press Club in Washington to tell about their 'sight-seeing' experiences about objects. Strange flight, identified around the nuclear area in Malmstrom Air Force Agency in Montana, USA.

UFO expert and organizer of the press conference said Robert Hastings said that the time has come for the US to seriously recognize the presence of UFOs. Robert Hastings believes some flying objects seem to be interested in the country's nuclear locations and seem to want to send something to humans. So far, Robert Hastings has collected documents documenting the testimony of more than 120 American soldiers on seeing UFOs.

Former US Air Force Colonel Robert Salas once wrote a book about the incident in Montana in March 1967. At that time his subordinates saw a disc-shaped object with a diameter of about 30 meters, red in color, hovering in the air. Afterwards Salas and his subordinates were asked by the army not to tell or tell this story to anyone.

Larry King's talk show boss also had two interviews with US veterans about their sightings. One of the special guests of the program was Professor Edgar Michell of Apollo XIV, the sixth person to set foot on the Moon. All the stories of the soldiers were similar, in which they saw a disc shaped object near the military area, hovering in the air and abruptly disappearing with many strange lights.

Some soldiers said at the time they reported the incident to their superiors, the CIA entered. After working with the soldiers, the CIA ordered: 'Remember that this conversation has never happened, we have never been here, you have to swear to keep it a secret and we take all the documents '.

UFO blog on CNN as a forum for people to exchange, as well as posting pictures and clips of strange objects in space. Participating in this forum is a famous actor who won Oscar Oscar Crowe twice. The actor confirmed that he saw the UFO itself and in the video clip in the sky of Sydney, Australia, people could see very mysterious lights.

Chile 'blood' with UFOs

UFO research may stop in the United States for many reasons from the government, but on the international stage, the UFO problem is not neglected and is still taken seriously and seriously. England, France, Belgium, Chile and some other countries around the world continue to collect data and research on it.

A series of events occurred in this South American country, which witnessed countless strange phenomena: videos with strange objects chasing their planes or Ata, the only 15cm tall with 9 ribs. That makes them very serious about the recognition of UFOs and aliens, creating a wave of fierce debate about UFO issues in Chile.

The national government has decided to establish a Committee for the Study of Strange Space Objects (CEFAA), in charge of analyzing, researching, recording reports of events involving strange, unidentified objects. determined.

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A cloud shaped of flying saucers.(Photo: Huffingon Post)

Although the agency still does not have enough 100% convincing evidence about UFOs, it is clear that Chile has taken an important step in recognizing the UFO problem seriously. The official position of CEFAA in the government agency admitted that something happened on national airspace, and of course it could not be established because of a flying insect. Ricardo Bermúdez, Chilean Air Force Brigade general, in charge of CEFAA in 1998-2002, said on Weird News that he did not deny the presence of UFOs .

Most importantly, the comments in the famous French COMETA report stated: 'UFOs can exist and originate from other planets. However, as long as this hypothesis has not been confirmed or rejected, we should not deny it just because it sounds reckless. A thorough scientific analysis is needed to make final decisions. '

COMETA history report

The French 'COMETA history report' in 1999 affirmed that alien assumptions are the most plausible explanation for strange phenomena that have happened on Earth. At the same time, it marked an important step in recognizing the issue of UFOs, aliens, with a serious, national attitude.

This ninety-page report is the result of an in-depth study of many aspects of this topic, especially the defense ministry's questions. The study was carried out for many years by a group of independent experts with qualifications from different fields at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Defense (IHEDN). Before the public, it was sent to French President Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Lionel Jospin.

In the report, the researchers produced convincing databases, including living witnesses, credibility and expertise in the fields of science and aviation. In addition, the report provides physical evidence, such as some high-precision photographs, no correction signs, or radar images recorded at the scene.

COMETA has challenged all humanity to the limits of understanding, placing us in front of the boundaries of knowledge and common thinking limitations.

The French government still maintains investigations of UFOs and aliens until today. This is a non-stop research process for more than 30 years despite any conflicting comments from the US.