Aurora is on Christmas

Moving blue and pink bands of light, characteristic of aurora phenomenon, appeared in the dawn of December 24 in the English sky.

>>>See beautiful aurora photos in Canada and Scotland

Picture 1 of Aurora is on Christmas
Aurora phenomenon occurred in many parts of the northeastern part of England on December 24 (Christmas Eve).These images are recorded near Bamburg Castle, Northumberland County.

Picture 2 of Aurora is on Christmas
Aurora is an optical phenomenon characterized by the emergence of colorful light bands, constantly moving and changing.

Picture 3 of Aurora is on Christmas
The aurora in Northumberland is the northern aurora.This is a phenomenon that occurs in the northern hemisphere of the Earth.In the southern hemisphere, it is called an aurora male.

Picture 4 of Aurora is on Christmas
The light of aurora is generated by the interaction between solar particles and the Earth's atmosphere.The energy from the interaction creates light particles and makes the particles glow.

Picture 5 of Aurora is on Christmas
This optical phenomenon appears most often between September and October, after which people see it back in March and April. The aurora can sometimes appear in the winter.

Picture 6 of Aurora is on Christmas
The most common color of aurora is blue, the case in the upper atmosphere will produce red and purple light.In Northumberland, light "silk strips" are green and pink.