In the midst of a thunderstorm, a strange ball of light suddenly appeared in the sky of Canberra (Australia) and suddenly disappeared without a trace.

An electromagnetic storm will reach Earth on March 14-15, 2018, as predicted by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

A hole about 50 times the size of Earth, can cause major global events on the green planet.

According to Rutledge, people in Asia, Europe and North America will be able to see this special event if they leave the towns with too much artificial light.

Scientists at the US Aerospace Agency (NASA) on June 5 reported finding a giant flower hole in the Sun when this part of the Sun turned to Earth last week.

Notice by the US Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) on January 25 said a solar wind (CME) will fly to earth from the next 1-3 days.

According to AP, the Solar Activity Observatory of the US Aerospace Agency (NASA) captured the fire from the Sun at 16h52 on 12/7 international time (ie 23h52 on 12/12). 7 in VN

The astronaut group Tim Peake, Tim Kopra and Jeffrey William have just released photos of the stunning space from the International Space Station.

Russian people are satisfied with their eyes when they admire the performance of the colors of Northern light or the aurora phenomenon in the night sky.

Moving blue and pink bands of light, characteristic of aurora phenomenon, appeared in the dawn of December 24 in the English sky.