Australia: a battle of

Hundreds of rickety birds suddenly fell from the sky of Esperance, western Australia on January 10. Even in the crowd of corpses littering the street, there are also pigeons, hawks, crow .

What causes the outrageous incident? Epidemic, toxin or just a natural phenomenon? Hundreds of dead birds were brought back to Perth to be examined, but the scientific community did not find the answer. As for the Esperance people, they all clearly felt an emptiness when the morning of the chorus of the te te.

Picture 1 of Australia: a battle of

Te te - precious bird breed in Australia.(Photo: Geoff McLachlan)

Mike Fitzgerald - the province's natural conservation program coordinator said: the phenomenon of dead birds falling from the sky was first reflected by people three weeks ago. At first only a few, but then scattered throughout the province in the amount of up to half a thousand. The most intense battle was on January 10, until today there are no more ' rain drops '. It seems like the sky has run out.

'It is estimated that the number of dead birds must be several thousand, although we do not have the exact numbers in the wasteland or the wetlands'.

According to the Center for the protection of Birds Australia National Park, this strange thing has never appeared before in the world 'with such a large scale, at the same time like that, there are more and more seven species of the same fate '.

'It must be said that this is one of nature's most unusual phenomena, and is something that really worries us' - quoted Director Graeme Hamilton.

According to the preliminary conclusions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food after conducting an autopsy, the possibility of a plague is 'mercy of causing a crime' is excluded. The chief of the Animal Quarantine Department for Fiona Sunderman said it is likely that the cause comes from toxins, toxic chemicals or pesticides.

Thuy Van

According to, Dan Tri