Automatic garbage bin

The desk staff can now afford to throw away garbage without having to bother about cleaning up because of the automatic 'catch' of the garbage.

Japanese scientists have devised a smart trash bin named "Smart Trashbox" that automatically moves to every location on the floor to catch trash.

Picture 1 of Automatic garbage bin
Recycled garbage by the Japanese inventor can automatically 'catch' garbage (Photo: Gizmag).

With the flexible wheel system installed below, the "Smart Trashbox" can move in many directions at various angles. The smart trash can also be connected to a Kinect sensor mounted on a wall.

The Kinect sensor monitors all directions of the garbage in the room and calculates where the garbage will land and then immediately sends the data to the trash. The end result is that the trash can run fast on the floor and 'pick up' the garbage.

Scientists are continuing to investigate the possibility of improper garbage picking. The "Smart Trashbox" will be patented and soon reach consumers.

References: Gizmag