Bad guys are easier to have children

Women who want to get pregnant should find themselves bad men.

Scientists have discovered that attractive men produce less sperm when having sex. This is explained by the fact that handsome men tend to have a biological tendency to restrain sperm in order to have sex with more women, Austrlia's news website said.

Picture 1 of Bad guys are easier to have children

The attractiveness of men affects their fertility.Photos:

Meanwhile, worse men know that they will not go to bed with many people, so whenever there is a chance, they give everything they have.

These findings by Oxford and London universities are supported by studies on chickens and fish, but researchers think they apply well to humans.

" Human attraction is very complex and affected by many factors including cultural interest, " said Sam Tazzyman, a London-based researcher.

" However, the number and quality of sperm in each ejaculation can be shaped from the same dynamics, such as attractiveness, number of partners, important factors for other species. " .

In the findings report on the school's website, Tazzyman wrote: " The more attractive men are, the more women are willing to have sex with him, thus reducing the quality of each relationship. Yes. It means that he should only give less sperm to one bed once. "

' Although this reduces the possibility of having children at every relationship, it allows him to maximize his number of children by having multiple relationships .'

' The less attractive people are the opposite, because they have less sex with their partners, so they tend to take care of each relationship by giving more sperm to make the best use of their few opportunities '. .

' This leads to a slightly paradoxical estimate that women who have sex with men are less likely to have children than women who have sex with men worse .'