Bar Code Audio Bar Code Testing

NFC, RFID and ORC - an indispensable part of everyday life. Recently, a team at Carnegie Mellon University has created a new bar code, which stores data in sound waves.

>>> Video: Bar code reading

Picture 1 of Bar Code Audio Bar Code Testing
Read sound bar codes with your smartphone

Sound wave strips can be engraved or printed in 3D on almost any material such as wood, plastic, glass or stone. The goal is to create straight lines that float on the top and grooves between them. That way, when you use your fingernail or something, it will make a sound.

The length of the bar code varies, the distance between the bars and the different channels will produce different sounds. The sound wave that it generates will be transmitted to the computer via microphones and manipulated by command. We will get the data out in sound form.

Unlike previous bar code technology, a bar code reader, bar code reader, bar code reader, and a smartphone can be read. Just rubbing the mobile device onto the surface of the barcode will be readable.

Reference: Engadget