Beautiful spies immobilized

Some clothing stores in the UK add cameras to the mannequin to track customer shopping behavior.

Picture 1 of Beautiful spies immobilized
The Eyede Eyede possesses a camera in his eye
to help shop owners collect information about guests. (Photo: Almax)

EyeSee , the name of a mannequin camera manufactured by Almax in Italy, looks exactly like the other mannequins, but they "hide" a camera in their eyes to track customer shopping behavior, Engadget reported. The camera transmits image data to a face recognition software to classify customers by age, sex and race. These data will help shop owners develop marketing strategies.

Many stores in the US and Europe are using Eyesee ($ 3,200) to improve business efficiency. Almax insists that, with Eyesee, shopkeepers can know the number of people entering their store during the day, the period during which the number of customers reached the highest level, the areas where customers usually stand in the store. .

In the context of luxury sales becoming more and more difficult, many companies see Eyesee as a potential solution in their efforts to reach individual customers to increase sales.

However, some claim that EyeSee infringes on the privacy of individuals, and those that use them place a profit on the privacy of the consumer.