Blanket for students

A company in Oklahoma, USA, recently introduced new bulletproof blankets aimed at protecting students, amid fears of possible school shootings.

Protective blankets are rectangular, about 0.8cm thick, placed on the back and can cover people. Blankets are made of materials similar to military or police protective armor, attached to a backpack and folded when not in use. This blanket can be nailed, metal debris and bulletproof.

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When dangerous situations occur, bulletproof blankets will protect the students and help keep them safe. (Photo:

Project designed bulletproof blanket was made 10 months ago. According to experts, if a dangerous situation occurs, the students will have a protective layer above them, helping them safely without just bending over and praying as before.

The idea came shortly after Maryland's Eastern Shore University, using bullet-proof whiteboards to enhance security in the event of a fire.

Steve Walker, who developed the bulletproof blanket , said the idea came about when he was studying a way to protect children in bad weather such as typhoons or cyclones. debris or rock from these natural phenomena.

"It has taken a long time for Oklahoma's newborn tornado shelters to be built as a viable option or alternative to help them survive and be safe." Said Steve Schone, a research fellow.