Blood type also affects civil rights?

What does the blood group say about you? A Japanese minister resigned, saying that the blood group explained his failure. According to faith in Japan, what does this mean?

Picture 1 of Blood type also affects civil rights?

When Minister Ryū Matsumoto, who was in charge of reconstructing Japan resigning after only a week of taking office, one of the reasons he gave was almost inadequate. Mr. Ryu said he had an incorrect blood group - group B, and this made him more vulnerable and that explains his lack of clever remarks about some of the areas affected by the cave. earth and tsunami early last year.

In Japan, many people believe that blood type can speak up personality, temperament, and compatibility with others. Therefore, a lot of newspapers, magazines and television programs in the sunrise country daily publish future predictions based on blood type.

This belief dates back to the 1920s when Japanese doctors sought evidence that Taiwanese were low class. Next, they found that 41.2% of Taiwanese people had blood type O, compared with 23.8% of Japanese people with that blood type. Although this theory was rejected in the 1930s, its influence persisted in popular culture.

And why not? Nothing is more stupid than believing that your personality is due to the combination of the planets.

According to Japanese beliefs, blood type B often makes you wild, creative, passionate and powerful. Meanwhile, the negative traits of people with blood type B are selfish, irresponsible, or hateful and unpredictable.

For those with blood type A, their positive personality is creative and knowledgeable but bad points are stubborn and picky.

For people with AB blood type, good personality is sociable, easy to adapt. However, the reverse side of this blood type is indecisive, disparaging.

People with blood type O are usually cute and optimistic but they are often jealous and complacent.