Huge disadvantages that only blood type O people suffer

Compared to other blood groups, blood type O has a special part. People with blood type O are considered to be more capable and talented. However, this blood group has an extremely disadvantageous disadvantage: easy to get sick.

In Japan, blood type O has long been defaulted to a special type of personality. Japanese people are often asked about their blood type when going to an interview. The blood type O is described as responsible, devoted to work, organized, highly focused and very practical.

Leadership and activeness, plus abundant energy, are outstanding characteristics of O. Blood type people are extremely influential and productive. They have more logical orientation and reasoning than other blood groups. This advantage comes from their ancestors who are day and night observers and accurately assess the surroundings to maintain life.

Picture 1 of Huge disadvantages that only blood type O people suffer
The blood type O's stomach is quite sensitive.

The blood type O works extremely well

From ancient times to now, people with blood type O play a very important role in society thanks to the ability to heal blood . O blood type is the source of life for all hospitals, but they themselves cannot receive blood from other blood groups. It is this that makes O blood group worthy of respect and need to be protected more. Besides those preeminent features, it must be said that the O-type also possesses numerous disadvantages that make them unique.

O blood group is easily infected

O blood group is more prone to health problems such as ulcers, hypothyroidism, low levels of thyroid hormone and iodine deficiency. This results in undesirable consequences such as obesity, fluid accumulation and even tumors. They also have higher levels of stomach acid than other blood groups, resulting in O-type blood being more susceptible to abdominal pain and stomach-related diseases.

Poor diet, lack of exercise and ease of stress make them sensitive to metabolic metabolism, prone to insulin resistance, hypothyroidism and obesity.

People in this blood group are more likely to act unchecked when tired, depressed or depressed. They can gamble, find entertainment, risk and impulse. The personality of the blood type O at high elevation and low time is erratic. Excessive sensitivity makes them easily irritable and difficult to keep calm.