4 rare blood groups in the world

Bombay, Rh-null, Lutheran blood groups, Rh negative are classified as rare blood types because the percentage of people who own less than one in 1,000 people.

According to MT, there are 35 blood group systems recognized and many systems are still unexplored. In it, 8 basic blood types are A, AB, B, O and their positive (+) or negative (-) variants. In these 8 types of blood divided into millions of different types make the study of blood really complicated.

Picture 1 of 4 rare blood groups in the world
The most rare blood type is AB (-).(Artwork: EN).

According to the American Red Cross, the most rare blood type is AB (-) . Only 1% of white people own this blood group, African Americans are even rarer. Blood B (-) and O (-) are also rare, each of which accounts for less than 5% of the world population. There are also other rare blood types and few people have heard of them:

Rh-Null Blood

What makes Rh-null so rare and especially it does not contain any antigen in the Rh system . This blood group was first found in 1961 from an Australian aboriginal woman. In 2010, the world discovered 43 more owners and only 9 agreed to donate.

Dr Thierry Peyrard, director of the National Laboratory for Immunology and Clinics in Paris, said people of this blood type are valuable. The absence of antigens allows them to transmit blood to all blood groups around the world, including those with Rh-type blood lines that are extremely rare.

Bombay blood group

A little-known blood group called Bombay blood group was discovered in 1952 in Bombay, India.The characteristic of this blood type phenotype is the lack of antigens A, B and H. People with this rare blood can only accept blood from another individual Bombay blood group.

Scientists estimate that about one in 10,000 Indians and one in 1,000,000 people in Europe own this blood group.

Blood The Lu (ab-) or Lutheran

Lutheran blood type was first found in 1945 from a patient named Luteran. Lu phenotype (ab-) is extremely rare and is known to have three genetic origins. Testing over 250,000 blood donors shows that the percentage of people who own blood Lu (ab-) is about one in 3,000 people.

Rh blood is negative

Rh (-) is not rare but is still a scientific mystery.No one can explain where people with Rh negative blood originate. Many researchers on blood factors claim that these people are the result of a random mutation, if not a descendant of another ancestor.

There is some evidence that Rh (-) blood appeared about 35,000 years ago and does not follow the usual evolutionary path. This blood group has been shown to be the least likely to mutate in all blood types.