Turn any blood group into O thanks to ... bacteria

In breakthrough research that could save thousands of lives, scientists have found a way to transform every blood group into O, suitable for all patients through bacteria.

RT reported that the team at the University of British Columbia (Canada) has found a way to turn blood types A, B and AB into O - a blood group that is suitable for all patients, regardless of their blood type. what.

Picture 1 of Turn any blood group into O thanks to ... bacteria
Some enzymes can move sugar from blood group cells A, B and AB, making them O.

Blood type is classified based on the type of sugar on the surface of red blood cells. Accordingly, group O has no roads. Experts found that some enzymes could displace sugar from blood group cells A, B and AB, making them O.

Thanks to human gastrointestinal analysis, they have found a safe, effective and economical enzyme to perform this transformation process.

In the human intestine there are the same types of sugar as on the surface of blood cells and the bacterial enzymes found in the feces are responsible for removing sugar from the food to aid digestion. Next, they isolated intestinal enzymes and used it to separate sugar in blood cells more effectively than any other enzyme.

A team of experts at the University of British Columbia has found a breakthrough measure from August last year, but has just published the study results in Nature Microbiology.

In the next step, they need to test the enzyme transition in the clinical environment to see if there are any side effects. If their method is successful, the future of the health sector will be much more favorable.