Blood-sucking bats spread rabies in Venezuela

Two scientists from the University of California were rushed to learn about dozens of mysterious deaths that occurred at a Native American tribe living in tropical rain forests in Venezuela. Dementia, terrible fear of water . that is the symptom. The results of the study are detectable: those people die from rabies due to a blood-sucking bat attacking.

The case of 38 unknown causes of death among 38 Indians in the Warao tribe over the past 3 years challenged medical practitioners. Tingling in the legs. Fever, convulsions, paralysis, dementia and cramps when seeing water. Two researchers Charles Briggs and Clara Mantini-Briggs are a couple from the University of Berkeley at the University of California who volunteered to make their way to the place to find out this secret phenomenon.

Picture 1 of Blood-sucking bats spread rabies in Venezuela

Until now, dogs and cats were known only to spread rabies,
not bats.

They found that the symptoms of the patients before death were the same: fever, trembling limbs, followed by paralysis, dementia, terrifying fear of the water, suffocation and death.

Researcher Charles commented: 'These symptoms are quite similar to the symptoms of rabies, starting with fever, headache, fatigue and progressing to the respiratory, intestinal / gastrointestinal and nervous systems. center. At the most serious stage, madness (crazy wild symptoms) or paralysis occurs (mute symptoms). Both of these symptoms (permanent paralysis that turns out completely paralyzed) lead to respiratory failure and no breathing, followed by dying and inevitable death after 7 days'.

In the Warao tribe, there were absolutely no dogs and cats and no dead people left their neighborhoods. Observing the bite, the two researchers found the culprit: in tropical dense forests with bat species, the night often appears. Rabies itself brings. Their research has been confirmed and discovered: bats are the agents that spread rabies.

Are there many people who die from rabies? According to the World Health Organization (WHO) statistics, each year in Asia there are 31,000 people and Africa has 24,000 people who die from rabies, but all are bitten by rabid dogs. But it is different in Venezuela. People die from rabies due to bats.

Picture 2 of Blood-sucking bats spread rabies in Venezuela Picture 3 of Blood-sucking bats spread rabies in Venezuela

Bats are endemic in tropical forests and they are the cause
infecting rabies at Indian tribes in Venezuela.

Blood-sucking bats are an endemic species in tropical rainforests, which lack timely treatment conditions. They often raid cattle at night, when the animals are sleeping, bite with sharp teeth like knives and in their saliva contains an anticoagulant that makes them comfortable to suck their blood. Harmful things. After they were full, they flew back to the nest and the following night came out .

Blood-sucking bats are not forgiving. In a village in Venezuela there are 80 people, 8 people die from rabies caused by bats, mostly children.

The anti-rabies doctor Charles Rupprecht at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, said rabies has turned into a epidemic in Brazil and Peru, but people have not thought of bats living in the jungle. He also advises to prevent bats from sleeping in bed (usually not a habit of Indians) and must consider vaccination as a positive measure to prevent the outbreak of rabies caused by bats.