Special ingredients make up Kumache chutney famous for the unique flavor of Kumarakapay village, Venezuela is a huge ant.
Nature always contains countless wonderful things and interesting facts. It is possible that the secrets stored in the distant universe or sometimes are extremely close to human
Two scientists from the University of California were rushed to learn about dozens of mysterious deaths that occurred at a Native American tribe living in tropical rain forests in
Maracaibo lake in Venezuela is where lightning appears with the highest frequency in the world, averaging 140 to 160 nights / year, 10 hours / day and 28 times / minute.
The amount of lightning on the mainland is more than on the ocean and seems to occur more often near the equator.
10 places that people can not touch, so there is a pristine beauty, just look at it somewhere that is not our Earth.
The AirPano team is comprised of adventurous members who take a trip around the world and capture impressive photos from an aerial view.