Blue or yellow sandals cause fever in social networks

The flip-flops photo posted by a social network user is controversial about its true color.

A Twitter user on November 17 posted photos of flip-flops and questioned its colors. The photo immediately caused much controversy with the idea that it was green, black, white or yellow, according to Express.

Picture 1 of Blue or yellow sandals cause fever in social networks
The controversial photo of the sandals' colors.(Photo: Arthur).

These sandals are produced by Havaianas. According to Mashable, a company representative confirmed it was dark blue and light blue.

Picture 2 of Blue or yellow sandals cause fever in social networks
Sandals images are announced by the manufacturer.(Photo: Havaianas).

Last year, social network users also argued about a photo of a dress in blue or yellow-white. The reason each person sees different colors is due to optical illusion. The human brain determines color by capturing all light from the object and "removing" light from surrounding objects, ie the color of the object is recognized in relation to the color of the object. objects surrounding it.