Bracelets help control shopping addiction

Are you having trouble with uncontrolled spending habits? Don't worry too much, the solution may simply be wearing a special ring, capable of generating an electric shock that prevents the owner from launching "money".

The special bracelet was released for the first time by an American company named Pavlok in 2014. Initially, it was designed as "a personal trainer on your wrist" and encouraged the development of habits. Good such as getting up on time in the morning and not surfing the web too much.

The British company Intelligent Environments has now launched a software that can connect the bracelet with its wearer's bank accounts, to prevent them from overcharging.

The operation mechanism of the device is as follows: First, users access their bank accounts or credit cards. Then they connected to Pavlok bracelet and set a spending limit. When users approach the spending limit they set themselves, their phone will display a warning. Finally, if users exceed their spending limits, Pavlok will create a 255 volt electric shock on their wrists.

Picture 1 of Bracelets help control shopping addiction
The bracelet can connect to the wearer's bank account to prevent them from overcharging.

The idea behind this stunning invention is that light , safe electrical shock will alert people to wear about their ominous financial situation and put an end to their spending habits.

According to the inventors, a special ring can also be used to save electricity costs if connected to an electric motor or used to prevent undesirable eating.

However, Professor Alan Woodward, a network security expert at the University of Surrey (UK), said that the more connections between devices are established, the higher the risk of security vulnerabilities.

Liviu Itoafa, a security researcher at Kaspersky Lab, stressed: "It is important to take into account the security factors of such wristwatches. They also face security threats. security is similar to traditional computers, in fact, new devices are sometimes more vulnerable to traditional threats, and in more severe cases, sometimes, devices This also faces new dangers.

According to reports, the device can connect to a customer's bank account and this has the potential to open to high-tech criminals to access personal financial information. Whenever the device is used, based on any technology platform, any mobile device that can be connected to a system needs to be completely secure by the developer before it goes into use. " .