By technology, an engineer created a sorting hat in Harry Potter

Because of his beloved daughters, the father is determined to realize the miraculous hat in the fantasy world by science and technology.

"Oh, you might think I'm ugly, but don't judge based on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find a smarter hat than me . " Excerpts from the song about the classification hat (1991).

If anyone is a fan of the Harry Potter series, it must be remembered that the magic hat was worn at the beginning of the freshmen to enroll students into each house. The hat can speak, present to express emotions.

From the hat, Harry Potter drew the Gryffindor sword and used it to finish off Basilisk the Zoological in the secret cellar. In part 7, Neville Longbottom drew the sword from the hat to slash Nargini (the snake next to the lord Voldemort).

Picture 1 of By technology, an engineer created a sorting hat in Harry Potter
The hat is preserved at Hogwarts principal's office.

Recently, an IBM Watson architect decided to turn the novel-only witch hat into a gift for her two daughters: 6-year-old Lucy and Julia.

In an interview with Tech Insider, he said: ' ' I was thinking about some interesting projects, and by chance, my two princesses were all Harry Potter fans, they read and read. the whole series up to 5 times ''.

The hat works in a way that cannot be simpler. You put it on your head (actually this part is just like in the story) and tells the hat some things about yourself then it will tell them who you are.

This sort of hat runs on Watson's Natural Language Classifer software , which helps it interpret and classify languages. So when Anderson installed the "honest" line of code as a feature of the Hufflepuff, the hat would pick you up at Hufflepuft house if you described yourself with the same or similar words.

Picture 2 of By technology, an engineer created a sorting hat in Harry Potter

Deciding which words fit the four houses in the Harry Potter series is called " setting up ." It is like interpreting adjectives when a column contains adjectives that describe themselves, and the other column to explain the meaning of those adjectives.

It is not difficult to figure out that Anderson's youngest daughter was the one who designed most of the words for the hat, and he said: " I started with 5 to 6 lines of language, Lucy looked over my shoulder and wanted to try, she created 150 lines' ".

But with just running the Natural Language Classifyer software, users will have to describe themselves with handwritten texts. So Anderson also uses Speech to Text software that allows you to talk directly to the hat.

At the same time, It also possesses a high-tech AI system that enables the hat to explore itself, developing its language ability based on Lucy's 150 basic words.

Anderson said that over a period of time, the hat has learned a lot through surfing the web, even he or Lucy can intervene and correct the words it uses incorrectly.

When Anderson and his daughter had installed the software for the witch's hat , they decided to add some features that made it more vivid. For example, if you were chosen to enter the Slytherin house, his eyebrows would furrow, dissatisfied. As for the Gryffindor family, its eyes will turn green.

Picture 3 of By technology, an engineer created a sorting hat in Harry Potter

Aderson said: " If time permits, I can make the hat more personal and lively during the next Halloween."

Over here, we see technology can make miracles like magic. So what will be expected after the witch's hat? Is a magic wand or a flying broom?