Calculation table of pain when being bitten by an insect

A researcher in Arizona (USA) has published an insect biting worksheet that helps you identify and avoid insects that have a high "damage" ability.

Justin Schmidt, a researcher from Southwestern Institute of Biology (Arizona, USA) surveyed and published a calculation of pain when being bitten by insects, with a level of 0 (painless) to 4 (extreme Unbearable pain, pain.

Schmidt said that, at level 1, the pain may be quite like a sweet cut but not enough to make you drop a cup while holding. At level 4, the pain is like a 20,000 volts of electricity going through the human body - the pain that makes you not only unable to hold the cup, but even to throw it away to relieve the pain.

By experimenting on himself with burns from 150 different species of insects, he made the following rankings:

Picture 1 of Calculation table of pain when being bitten by an insect
Fire ant: Level 1 (pain lasts 2 - 4 minutes)

Picture 2 of Calculation table of pain when being bitten by an insect
Honeybee: Level 2 (pain can last up to 10 minutes)

Picture 3 of Calculation table of pain when being bitten by an insect
German bees: Level 2 (more painful than honey bee stings, can hurt within 5 minutes)

Picture 4 of Calculation table of pain when being bitten by an insect
Velvet ants: Level 3 (pain can last up to 30 minutes)

Picture 5 of Calculation table of pain when being bitten by an insect
Natural enemies of Tarantula spiders (Tarantula hawk): Level 4 (though only lasts 3 minutes but extremely painful)

Picture 6 of Calculation table of pain when being bitten by an insect
Ants bullet: Level 4 (pain lasts from 12-24 hours)

Of course, the results of the spreadsheet are painful when the insect is burned based on personal experience. And it's also hard for the scientific community to "dare" to do this survey through voluntary testing.